Black and White photography has always been my passion, and I miss the process of shooting film, processing and printing gorgeous prints. So with digital I've been striving to recreate the process without the smell of chemicals all over my clothes. This was shot with my Nikon and through trial and error and most of the morning yesterday, I managed to make this image look as I shot it with infrared film. I think it came out really nice and I'm anxious to try more images with this technique.
For me photography has always been a learning experience and digital has offered me more opportunities to fine-tune my creative talent and vision. It's very exciting. Plus, as I work on images I am constantly listening to live streaming radio from Italy. Tune into It has helped my comprehension tremendously and I'm finding that I am able to speak faster and with more confidence than I have ever had. It's as if I have my mom or my relatives constantly at my side.
Image © Santa Fabio